Monday 5 October 2015

An inspirational clip about relationships

Do you know how long I have spent searching the ideal inspirational video that was suppose to motivate something new in my teaching practise?  HOURS!!  I watched several, actually very good videos but nothing that went into any depth. Yes they were entertaining but they only skimmed the surface of wanted I was looking for.  Others were far too long (over an hour...which I watched btw) to blog about.
I really wanted to find an inspirational video about personalized learning... hence the hours on youtube and TEDtalk.  Even so, the related videos still weren't detailed enough for this blog (or short enough).  I ended up watching Rita again!!  Now I saw this clip awhile ago as you do, and a collegial discussion follows and something else ensues...
Revisiting this video, I was able to reflect on my relationships with my students.  Relationships are an integral part of our school kaupapa so I think I'm pretty good at forming positive relationships BUT this clip reminded me of how mechanical "relationship forming" can be because it's the "thing" to do rather than the organic "relationship forming" that happens through a natural involvement and commitment to the individual.  I loved the way she turned negatives into positives for the child which always meant she new how to bring out the best in them.  That's what I want to improve on.  Bringing out the best in my students through relationships but also through a personalised approach to each individual.  Getting PERSONAL is the key word.


  1. Hi Niki
    I am doing the last challenge. I love this video and the power Rita gives to relationships. The bit that really got me was the +2 story, such a different swing on things.
    We are a PB4L school and practice that if we have broken a relationship through growling or a negative we must find four positive things to say to that person to turn the relationship back.
    Building positive relationships is the greatest and most important part of this job for me. Keeping clear of allowing the mundane to take over and looking out for the most important and effective ways of managing is a practice I try to improve on every day.
    I enjoyed your post and am doing the last part of the beginners blog. Just got to find a way to get a clip of myself into this.
    Here goes

    No can't do that yet, I have to do some more learning! Not sure how to connect and add a photo

  2. Haha technology..can you use the snipping tool and to copy what you need from here and then add your photo on top(to the side) by format wrap? Let me know how it went lol
    I also agree with you about relationships! Our school is a PB4L school as well and that has been a wonderful journey! I like the idea of 4+ from 1- that would certainly help to nurture the possibly damaged relationship! I'm going to try that myself, thanks
